Monday, January 25, 2010

Existing Conditions

The building was built in 2008 to be the new headquarters location for Republic Finance. It is currently occupied and being used as their office space. Lincoln Builders did the construction of the building while Coleman and Partners designed the architecture.
With the main goal of capitalizing on sustainable design opportunities, this building has high performance glass that allows maximum visible light while reflecting solar heat gain. The high performance HVAC system also includes a heat recovery ventilator system. In addition, the HVAC peak load is minimized to the months of August through October because of the careful site planning. The building uses high efficiency light fixtures and transformers that work with an energy management system for building lighting control. Finally, the building is constructed with recycled materials such as steel, fly ash concrete, and aluminum framing system. The high albedo roof system and select landscaping that reduces irrigation also add to the green design.

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